• Creates a function to check the health status of an endpoint.


    • timeout: number

      The timeout duration for the health check request in milliseconds.

    Returns (
        __namedParameters: { address: string },
    ) => Promise<
        | { address: string; responseTime: number }
        | { address: string; responseTime: null },

    A function that takes an endpoint object and returns a promise resolving to the endpoint's health status, including its address and response time.

    import { getEndpointHealthStatus, getEndpoints, NETWORK_TYPE, ENDPOINT_TYPE } from "@akashnetwork/akashjs/build/network";

    const checkEndpointHealth = async () => {
    try {
    const endpoints = await getEndpoints(NETWORK_TYPE.MAINNET, ENDPOINT_TYPE.RPC);
    const healthStatusPromises = endpoints.map(endpoint => getEndpointHealthStatus(800)(endpoint));
    const healthStatuses = await Promise.all(healthStatusPromises);

    console.log("Endpoint Health Statuses:");
    healthStatuses.forEach(status => {
    console.log(`Address: ${status.address}, Response Time: ${status.responseTime !== null ? status.responseTime + 'ms' : 'Unresponsive'}`);
    } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error checking endpoint health:", error);